Saturday, May 12, 2012


You gotta love the fingernail muse! I just got another idea! What will it be?  Coming soon!  Maybe...if it turns out okay! lol

Thursday, May 10, 2012

These have been rolling around for awhile. A bit daunting so I have been putting them off. But I finally did them and some turned out not so bad. I also found out that I could take a better picture for detail if I take it while going through a magnifing glass!
Thunderbird thumbnail.
I love these feathers!

Sun burst.
I am not ambedextrious so my right is plain! Driving me bonkers! lol
Dreamcatcher.  I am trying to make smaller brushes.  Anywho, enjoy the pic. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ok so here is how the idea turned out.  You be the judge. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just talk

I love to see people smile.  I love to here people laugh.  It does my heart good.  :) 
My picture taking skills need work but I hope you enjoy these pics.  We have fun doing nails.  Just remember....for every pic you see here there were 4 or 5 others that weren't very pretty! lol  For every nail that did make it, there were 2 or 3 ideas that were....just plain weird!  We enjoy your thoughts and comments on the nail ideas.  Some we see on Pintrest, some start out as "..oh! you should try.." and the others just jump into our heads!  One popped into my head yesterday, so I am working it out.  It will most likely show up here in a couple of days.  Unless it turns out to be one of those, "What was I thinking!" kind of things :)

Sweets anyone?

You gotta love my girls!  They let me try  ideas on them!  I do love ya bunches!
We love Pintrest!


April, Cassie and Lori are zebra fans!  For you girls! :)

Everyone loved the frogs so here they are.